Here is my guide to Catherby, my favorite city. Hope you enjoy it!
Catherby is a small town not far from the members-nonmembers gate. It is seperated from Taverly (and frankly, the whole east half of the map) by "white wolf mountain". To the north is the "sinclair" mansion. To the south is...karamanja i guess. To the east is the Seers village (and flax!). To the really far north east is Relakka.
As you can tell, catherby is quite a center for traffic. Due to its location, there is a constant flow of players heading through it.
Things to do:
Catherby isn't really that much of a combat city, but you are close to the Taverly dungeon and warriors guild. Rock crabs are in Relakka, but they're kind of a haul. Please note that the Catherby bank is one the most direct ways to bank stuff from taverly. The best way is the "wall crawl" to falador, but this requires 20 agility.
This the "main" thing to do in Catherby. There are a bunch of fishing spots on the beach near wolf mountain, and a fishing shop. Don't bother with an axe and tinderbox; there is a range in a house next to the bank. Plus you have a greater success rate with cooking on a range. You can fish lobsters, sharks (!), tuna, swordfish, and various other types of fishing. Great stuff :D
There's a small archery shop next to the fishing shop where you can buy or sell some ranging goods. As for fletching, it isn't nearly as good as Seer's Village, but has the "master fletcher" who will sell you your very own skillcape.
You are close to the chaos druids and an herb store, but not anything to go wild about.
Lots of farming patches, arguably one of the best places to train farming.
Good proximity to summoning facilities, but then again, falador is right by.
Too many to count really. Closest one probably is fishing contest (the quest in those little huts on either side of wolf mountain).
The only minigame that actually is directly in Catherby is Vine Sweeper, but almost every big city has this.
Places to Visit:
In itself, Catherby doesn't have alot of terribly things to go to. What makes it great, however, is how close it is to EVERYTHING.
Spots of interest (close ones):
Heros guild (north of taverly), ledgends guild (follow the shore south)
Burthope and Warrior's guild
Camelot and Seers Village
Entrana (need to verify this)
Taverly in general
Ardougne (kind of a walk)
Fishing and ranging guild
Who to meet:
Alot of players I meet think RuneScape is just about getting to lvl 99 as quickly and as cheaply as possible. This really isn't true. While the RuneScape community is very weak, there's still a good deal of great socilization going on.
Catherby is THE place to meet high lvl players. They are constantly in this city (usually fishing). It's hit or miss, but some of these players can be REALLY nice. They're also great to chat with when fishing.
Great city. No question about. Most likely you've visited it before, but not many people realise just how central it is to RuneScape. Everything flows through Catherby. Plus the fishing rocks.