Bowstrings:blue rout
Hi all viewers! Here is the money making flax guide (this is going to be a series).
Making money with flax (rating: 3/5):
FLAX(100gp per flax, 100k per hour)
Please note: Remove all heavy items (Boots of weightlessness, Spottier cape, and high level agility helps alot).
Flax is probably the most famous form of making money in runescape (for members). This is due to the fact that pretty much anyone can pick flax. Most likely you know this, but here are the steps:
1. Go to the seers village (this is the best place). South of camelot castle are two fields surrounded by fences. One contains beehives, and the other contains flax.
2. Pick the flax and bank it in the seers village. Wait until you have at least 1k before you continue.
Notes: You will be able to pick 1k in 45min-1hr assuming your internet commection doesn't lag. When picking, don't just randomly pick different flax plants. Like up a row and positon your pointer so that all you have to do is continuously press the mouse button, and you'll automatically pick the whole row (this saves ALOT of time).
BOWSTRINGS(180gp per bowstring)
The second step in this process is spinning bowstrings. Assuming you have the required crafting level, here are the steps.
If you are absolute MAD for money, don't do this step. It will take a bit of time, and you'll only get 80k per extra hour (but you will get crafting xp).
1. Pick flax until you have 1k.
2. Run back and forth (blue rout) between the spinning wheel (on the second story) and the bank. Spin your flax.
Notes: The amount of crafting xp (15 xp per string) is worth it for players wanting to level up crafting AND make money. It takes about an hour to spin 1k flax.
1 flax will fetch 100gp in the grand exchange. 1k of flax is worth 100,000gp.
gp/hour: 100,000-120,000 (flax only, does vary)
1 bowstring will fletch 180 gp (1k bowstrings is worth 180,000). Spinning bowstrings will make you 80k per extra hour spent.
gp/hour: 80,000 gp per hour (including flax picking and spinning)
You will spend 2 hours getting 1k of bowstrings, earning you 180,000gp and 15k crafting xp.
Not bad money for low levels. Not recomended for high levels, however. It can get mind numbing very easily.
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