5 small fishing nets
5 ropes
1 butterfly net
1-10 butterfly jars
hunter cooking equipment (normal fire and range won't work)
1 teasing stick
1-10 rabbit snares (only for people who have completed Eagle's Peak quest)
My method:
Levels 1-9
This is the easiest part of hunter. To start on a good note, go the the varrok museum, and go to the basement. You'll find a dizzying maze of rooms, but just talk to the guy in the safari hat who acts like an australian. He should be right near you as you come down, on your "level". He'll ask you to correct some info on the plaques, so just head down and read the plaques in front of the creatures. You'll get a little "natural history" quiz, but it's not that hard. If you don't know something you can ask the "professors" or just guess. Once you have completed the all the plaques you'll get 1000 hunter and slayer xp!
Levels 9-19
Polar Kebbits: Equip your noose wand, and bring nothing else. Go to the farthest north snowy hunter "island" north west of Relakka, and north of Keldagrim. Click on the burrows, then follow the trail around and click on the different objects that the trail leads to. Once you reach a snow drift, you can attack it with your wand and you'll catch a polar kebbit. Keep only the fur. This isn't the fastest way to get to lvl 19, but since the fur sells for about 1,700 gp each, it's not a bad way to make a little gold :D
Levels 19-33
Tropical wagtails: Take 10 bird snares to Feldip Hills hunter area (beware of ogres). Go south west until you reach the Euchalyptus trees. You can set up here, or south west of the small lake near by. Set up as many snares as you can, and move away about 4 squares. The birds will land, but the traps don't work 100%, so you'll need to reset any traps that don't have birds in them. Keep the feathers, they provide a lot of fletching xp.
Levels 33-37
Barb-tailed Kebbits: Grab your axe and knife, and head to the spot east of the Carnivorus Chinchompas. You should see boulders with a "deadfall trap" option on them. You need logs in your inventory, and a trap will appear. The kebbits will run under your trap, and it will fall, catching them. Note that you can set up only one of these traps at a time. Only keep one "barb harpoon". It's useful for fishing, but they aren't valuable enough to fill your inventory with.
Levels 37-43
Prickly kebbits: Not much different from barb tails, except in Pistacosis hunter area. You can set up shop pretty much anywhere. The spikes are worthless, don't even bother keeping them. You can also bring along your butterfly net and a few bird snares, but this is optional. Levels up really quickly though.
Levels 43-53
Spotted Kebbits: Go to the "falconry" area in pistacosis hunter area, and rent a falcon for 500 gp (this is where the 2000gp comes in as you can lose your bird to a random event). Do note that your bird misses occationally, and the falconry area might get crowded (never do it in world 2). Be sure to keep 1 or two furs to make into a spotted cape which reduces 2kg from your weight.
Levels 53-57
Grey Chinchompas: Bring along 10 box traps, and head to the area next to the fence in the south part of Pistacosis hunter area. Chinchompas are great money and great xp (use them for range!)
Levels 57-63
Dark Kebbits: Another falconry thing, except this time you're catching the pitch black kebbits at the south end of the falconry area. Remember to keep some fur to make gloves of silence (increases success at theivery).
Levels 63-99
Carnivorus Chinchompas: Take your good ol' box traps back to feldip hills. Go to the chinchompa area by the lake (always crowded) and go south a ways till you see the Larupias. Set up your box traps and let the fun begin! It'll take you about 48,000 chinchompas to reach lvl 99 (it'll get really fast at lvl 80). These will sell for a nice 30-35 million gp. Perfect to buy that bandos armor that you've been coveting! (mabye)
Oh btw, be sure to bring along 99,000gp if you are really serious about reaching lvl 99. The hunter master (and skillcapes!) are right near by.
Time, resources:
I haven't actually gotten to lvl 99, but nonstop 3 hours a day will take you about a month. It will take a fast player about 5 days to reach lvl 63. BIIIGGG gap.
As for money, The whole deal shouldn't cost more than 5k (excluding tele's). If you are going to buy the skillcapes, just a meer 104k.
Have fun!
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