
You've been Clue Scroll'd!

Hello all faithful viewers!

I was at the Ankous a while ago, testing my guthans on some prime lvl 75 monsters. The drops were going good (I brought too many lobsters, to my annoyance), and I was having a good time. I was bouncing some questions off of a friendly lvl 120 with a spirit sheild. My inventor almost full, I decided to call it quits.

As i was about to go, I stopped. I might as well kill one more, right? my hp was almost full. I turn around and kill this Ankou at the very back of the room. Once he's dead, he drops something that looks like noted essence. I go to pick it up. It's a lvl 3 clue scroll.

Lvl 3 clue scrolls are the rarest drop from ankous. They are unaffected by rings of wealth, which makes them extremely difficult to get. Lvl 3 scrolls are the most difficult scrolls, and a player is sure to be attacked by a lvl 70 or 108 monster while doing them. The scrolls also require you to go into the wilderness.

Why do it? Why risk your stuff just to complete a scroll? The rewards are amazing. up to 170mil just from one scroll.

I was well aware of this when i started the trail. First clue pointed me to a box in the lumber yard. The scroll i got there had some gibberish about minutes and degrees. I looked it up on runewiki and found the location. It was in the wilderness, just north of the pond at the end of the river lum.

Uh oh. That was lvl 36 wilderness. No emergency teleports to get me out of a jam. My only hope would be to run like an idiot strait south until I hit lvl 20 wildy or so. Another problem: I had to kill a lvl 70 or so zammy mage, who could hit up to 20. Not fun!

The guide talked about using some type of canoe to get there. I don't have lvl 57 wcing (only lvl 55), so I decided to use the games necklace and teleport to clan wars. I left with the following items:

Full red dhide (no coif)
Obsidian sheild
Archer helm
Explorers ring 3
dragon boots
Dragon dagger p++
Glory amulet
Teleport runes
food, monks/lobs
prayer pot
and of course, the clue scroll

What I forgot to bring/leave behind:
The archer helm shoudl have been left behind
Obsidian sheild is too valuable for wildy
Glory is helpful, but uneccecary
That many teleport runes is just ridiculous
Dragon boots are WAY to valuable for wildy
I should have brought a sextant, chart, and watch

So at clan wars, I nervously head north west towards the area. I stop to check my map. I'm headed in the right direction. Just as i'm about to pass the ruins, some gray shape comes flying towards me. Holy crap! I start running as soon as I realize the danger i'm in. The shape hits me, splashing off my red dhide. I frantically click on the ectophial. I have to go to lvl 20 wilderness to teleport. That means 10 more levels!
More attacks come flying out of the dark. I can't even see the revenant, but I know it can see me. The magic attacks keep splashing. Luckily I make it to lvl 20 wilderness, and teleport before it can do anything horrendous to me.

My second trip, I am more cautious. I run along the side of the volcano to reach the location. That tactic seemed to work, as I didn't get jumped by any more revenants. I reach the little lake, and start digging.

Four minutes later, and three moss giants dead, I'm still digging. I can't find the !@#! spot. I look at the guide. No help there. I try to adjust myself to the characters location in the image. no luck again. I dig on just about every single patch of green possible. I'll find it someday, right? I just have to keep digging and hope no rev comes.

As soon as those thoughts leave me head, yellow lettering appears on the bottom right corner of my screen. They read "system update in-2:00". Man the numbers are counting down quickly.

Now i'm really out of luck, still fumbling around with the shovel as the server logs me off. i have to go on the netherlands server to log back in.

I start digging again. As i'm digging, I notice a grey flicker on the bottom of my screen. I start running. The ice attack catches up to me, dealing 8 damage and freezing me. Frantic I click constantly, trying to move my characters frozen limbs. I run as soon as another attack hits me for 10 damage.

Running south, I rest behind a volcano vent. Am i safe? I don't want to repeat this trip again. Might as well risk it-

A magical attack splashes on my armour. I see a revenant ork in the distance, throwing magical attacks like a, well, demon. I run south, past lvl 20. Releif washes over me. I click on the ectophial.

"you have been teleblocked" reads my message box. I groan, and run around in circles for a while, teleporting when I get the chance.

Lesson learned. Next time i'm taking a freind with me, at not risking 800,000 of items.
But hopefully I will be better equipped next time. Once i complete the scroll....who knows what could happen then? My runescape expereince could peremenately change.

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